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Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

Chiho unintentionally roasted Urushihara was hillarious lol

Beach episode... or should I say. Beach arc is coming guys! Let's go!

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

I mean she makes a good point, and her prediction was spot on too. xD

BniX • 1 year ago

Really excited for the upcoming beach episodes tho...


We need them fanservice!!!!!!! Hope tan boss lady also wear cultured outfit( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Kirito • 1 year ago

That lady sure is nice giving them 10,000 yen for working and if there's a lot of people maou and friends will get a bonus

Oppai lover • 1 year ago

Oye 😏

Vii X • 1 year ago

I'm sorry Chii-chan. Maou is gonna have a half-demon-quasi angel baby with Emilia. In D&D terms, for you nerds, that would be a Half-Fiend Aasimar. Also Chii-chan's voice actress has the same one as Ruka from Rent a Girlfriend. Now that I think of it, the two characters are extremely similar.

Protagonist • 1 year ago

I can't unhear the UMI DAA !!! from a certain site...

Kirito • 1 year ago

10,000 yen for working in that beach and 5,000 yen for that cleaning supplies

Veldora • 1 year ago


Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 1 year ago

Will we get the standard fanservice episode next week?

Yashondowski • 1 year ago

Hopefully we will get some but it will be a cherry on the cake if they improve the art just for the nxt episode
Quality bikini 🤞lol

BniX • 1 year ago

Quality Bikini Fails lol...

Buggslumbum • 1 year ago

Like looking at Youtube video titles literally, But being used as conversation. Wow. Such much great human brain do think?

Deep at heart you're all just imitating some algorithmic AI to gain updoots. That or you are literally a robot? I can't tell.

Show some humanity. Can't you?

Kirito • 1 year ago

For some reason the wc Donald's is temporary closed and their apartment is also getting renovated said by that landlord hmm something is fishy

Veldora • 1 year ago

Quality fanservice is awesome.

Buggslumbum • 1 year ago

How can anyone actually care abou fan-service? Like really wtf? I feel like you people brainwash yourselves and each other into thinking it is.. "cool" or "good".

This is normie tier crap, who gives a flying log about animated girls? Can you wank it to a cartoon? Sure, but no one cares if you do we don't need the "OMG that drawing is so cute" attitude no one cares about you. Shut up.

Find something else to say. Then maybe someone will actually care about what you have to say rather then some circle jerk of "uwu" hehe with 30+ year old guys grooming you into being some kind of Furtrans sexual model on discord.

Just because anime tells you that there are otakus waiting to show some kinship doesn't mean it's true. You Westerners just ruin everything you touch. You are ruining anime as we speak.

Kirito • 1 year ago

I love that scene where they watch the VHS in the house of chiho and then maou gave some gift to the mom of chiho and her mom is so nice she knows that maou is a fine man

ジュン • 1 year ago

wow, brother sit down and lets have some tea

Lucyw18 • 1 year ago

technicly yes but allso no because there will be some importent plot points coming up very soon aka probably next week

Triduo • 1 year ago

Noctyrannus : What are you looking forward to then ? The girls' swimsuits or the waves' curves ? (-O_O)*

Dimhélios : I'd like the waves to be big so it makes it easy to surf. ^^

Noctyrannus : Bro... Sometimes I wish you weren't so innocent. -___-

Dimhélios : Why ? OuO

Kirito • 1 year ago

Fan service already I feel like there's going to be some action next episode because the fog kiri looks bad

Buggslumbum • 1 year ago

You are a robot aren't you. Admit it! Same for the post below! All bots!!

Hikotan • 1 year ago

Chiho > Red haired Tsundere

Sublime Hurdle 1542 • 1 year ago

I found out this episode is having more content than the previous ones

LilTerror • 1 year ago

Another book is just as good. have a try.🙆‍♀🙆‍♀️:

Kirito • 1 year ago

Maou said three men that will do the labor and we all know urushihara is lazy when it comes to this

Sperry Rick • 1 year ago

I'll surely check it out.

Kirito • 1 year ago

Urushihara is working lol

Ovuca • 1 year ago

Great rec!

Tomat • 1 year ago

The best book in the world😉😉:


Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago


Judgment526 • 1 year ago

Laughing like that while looking at your "daughter's" photos is kinda sus...

BniX • 1 year ago

The situation could've easily been misunderstood lol

It was good that it was just Chiho-chan at the door or else things could've gotten pretty messy

FBI ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Veldora • 1 year ago

The demon king versus the FBI?

Yashondowski • 1 year ago

Mao-sama solos xD

Dragnorock • 1 year ago

Mao would probably instantly power up with all the negative energy they vibe when they come within his area of absorption.

the Finance Guy • 1 year ago

The FBI won't be around long after what they did this week

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

His laugh and expression looked wholesome lol
I hope I don't look like Maou when I watch this and Kumichou.

zo • 1 year ago

His intentions were so pure, unlike some other fathers (Sanka Rea's father lol)

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Ah yes, that creepo's fetish.

Ian Nava H • 1 year ago

Best case scenario is that others wouldthink Maou will be the type of weird dad / relative to his supposed daughter / relative

INCURSIO XD • 1 year ago

Hey comeon he was just excited( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

You don't laugh and smile at your kid's photo?

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

I don’t have a kid, but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be laughing in that manner in that situation…

Henrique Finger • 1 year ago

I'm surprised that people could even think it was something impure.

Deus The Great • 1 year ago

I would simp for Alas Ramus, too. She's too precious and adorable.

Unknown • 1 year ago


Megapede • 1 year ago

Time to add more to the collection xD